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Navigating in Woods

Helpful Resources

Here are some links to information and resources that may be useful to you

Head in Hands

Thoughts of Self-Harm?

Sunlight Portrait

Call or Text
to speak with a counselor 24/7

Book Resources
Dr. Godwin

Dr. Godwin has written two books intended to be resource guides. The first one, Healing Beyond Trauma, is designed to be a self-help guide for those struggling with PTSD, c-PTSD, and other after-effects of trauma. This book is an interactive guide with charts, worksheets, and assessments included. To learn more, click the button below. It is available on Amazon in paperback and Kindle formats.


Dr. Godwin also developed a concise guide for therapists working with children and adolescents. If you are new in the field, or perhaps just new to working with children, this guide will be useful. It includes play therapy methods and multiple therapeutic tools that are both effective and easy to use. To learn more, click the button below. It is available on Amazon in paperback and Kindle formats.

Sad Portrait

Resources for Depression

When you are depressed, you may feel completely alone in a blanket of hopelessness.You are not alone! Connecting with someone who understands can make a difference for you! If you are having thoughts of suicide or self-harm, call 988, the national suicide hotline. If talking just seems too difficult, you can text 838255 to chat with someone 24/7. If you cannot even do that, call 911 and someone will come to your aid.

Consider joining a support group to connect and build relationships with people who understand. Find a local support group here:

Find a Local Support Group - Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (



Stressed Woman

Resources for Anxiety

Anxiety can cause overwhelming fear and even panic attacks. When you feel anxiety beginning, try to use healthy coping skills to reduce your levels before they escalate to an attack. Here are some tips to help alleviate anxiety:


Try these when you're feeling anxious or stressed: 


  • Take a time-out. Practice yoga, listen to music, meditate, get a massage, or learn relaxation techniques. Stepping back from the problem helps clear your head.

  • Get enough sleep. When stressed, your body needs additional sleep and rest.

  • Exercise daily to help you feel good and maintain your health. Check out the fitness tips below.

  • Take deep breaths. Inhale and exhale slowly.

  • Count to 10 slowly. Repeat, and count to 20 if necessary.

  • Do your best. Instead of aiming for perfection, which isn't possible, be proud of however close you get.

  • Accept that you cannot control everything. Put your stress in perspective: Is it really as bad as you think?

  • Welcome humor. A good laugh goes a long way.

  • Maintain a positive attitude. Make an effort to replace negative thoughts with positive ones easier.

Sad on Couch

Resources for Grief

Losing someone you love is one of the most difficult things we have to face in life.Having a support system is so important! I recommend finding a support group for grief and finding a therapist. To learn about the stages of grief and to find additional resources, visit: - Help For Grief Because LOVE Never Dies



Do you find yourself struggling with substances, like alcohol or other drugs? Even legal, prescription medications can sometimes interfere with our ability to fully live our lives and be ourselves. Alcohol and other addictive substances can consume our lives and drive those we love away. If you are ready to get control of your life again, here are some steps you can take:

1. Seek out support. This can be in the form of friends, loved ones, family who are supportive of your sobriety journey. This can also be a support group or 12-step program, like AA, NA, SA, OA, CR, etc. Find a local group that has goals that align with yours, and go to a meeting. That is the first step towards your healing!

2. Consider using a life coach or addiction coach who is familiar with the challenges of the journey. Someone who can encourage you, guide you, and also hold you accountable when needed. If not a coach, then consider getting a sponsor in a 12-step program. Accountability and support are ESSENTIAL for recovery.

3. Develop a healthy schedule for yourself and start following it. Make sure you are attending to HALT symptoms (Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired) and taking care of yourself on all levels. Add in extra self-care rituals to your days and weeks. You will need lots of grace through this transformation.

4. Consider seeking the assistance of a therapist or addiction counselor to peel back the layers and discover what the roots underneath your addiction are. Are their old hurts that still need to be addressed and healed? If so, you may need a little assistance in figuring out how to do that. Even if this is not the case, having that extra support will be very helpful. Research does show, though, that there are often underlying issues involved that need to be addressed.

5. Start journaling. Having a safe and private space to vent about your stresses, to process through the past and present events, and to express your emotions is very important. Journaling is an easy and inexpensive option for mental and emotional processing on your own terms and time.

6. Take time to explore substance free activities that you enjoy. Examples could be exercise, walking, hiking in nature, kayaking, fishing, yoga, dance, writing, singing, acting in local theater, cooking, painting, sewing, crocheting, knitting, gardening, golf, pickleball, sports, etc. The options are unlimited! Explore, travel, enjoy life MINDFULLY, without being altered by chemicals. Life all by itself is BEAUTIFUL! 

​Here is a website that can help you learn more and explore treatment options:


Here are links to help you find local 12-step groups:


Find A.A. Near You | Alcoholics Anonymous (


NAWS : Find a meeting


Find a Local Celebrate Recovery - Celebrate Recovery®


The holistic approach: Finding Balance

A brief video on the importance of considering and addressing all aspects of who you are as a person--the mind, body, spirit connection.


If you are interested in reaching your full spiritual potential, and focusing more on the spiritual aspects of healing rather than the mental/emotional aspects, seeking the guidance of a spiritual coach could be helpful. 

Meditate at the beach
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