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Welcome! Life is kind of like a road-trip--sometimes the best moments are not part of the mapped-out plan, but happen spontaneously along the way. We encounter obstacles, roadblocks, and sometimes even "dead-ends." One of the challenges of life is finding our way around, over, and THROUGH whatever we encounter along the way. The biggest joys in life are not generally found navigating this journey alone, muddling our way through the dark with no light to guide us. No, true joy and depth in life are found through our connectedness with others. In the spirit of helping you connect, I have created this space--here you are free to discuss topics related to your journey, to healing, to growing, and to therapeutic work. If you have something to add to someone else's post, feel free to comment! Let's support each other on this beautiful, complex journey called life!
A complex journey called life! My journey!It’s had its twists and turns and
loopy loops and it’s been full of life’s toils and snares. From a tender age however even at the worst times I sought out that connectedness in local churches, volunteering at local steam and craft shows, or carnivals that came through town to find my joy in people. I didn’t have a dream home life. So I made up my home away from home life. As often as I could I would visit the lady down the street with salt and pepper hair whose husband passed away years before and she always had cookies and milk and we would talk for hours. I would often visit my neighbors who were unable to have their own children and they expressed their joy every time I came to play freeze tag with them and their dog Lady. I rode my bike to library and made small talk with the librarian and helped her restock books. All of these things gave me my compassionate heart and caring soul and helped develop my sense of passion for becoming therapist. Then I also held close to me those that crossed my path who radiated joy in their energy. Those were the people I gravitated towards as a child because I knew even when things went badly those were the people that would say to themselves……. “ there is something inside me saying I have things to do, some mission to achieve, something I am supposed to accomplish.” That’s how I grew up through chaos! I’m not saying it wasn’t without it’s bumps and bruises and I don’t still have scars that need healing. That connectedness with them helped me survive. It recently brought me to some new beginnings and new people who have helped me continue to heal and as more people cross my path that are guided by LOVE that CONNECTEDNESS. It creates more room for healing what aches inside all of us if we CHOOSE to be vulnerable enough to connect.